Codewars: Valid Parentheses
2 min readFeb 10, 2021
Problem: Write a function that takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid. The function should return true
if the string is valid, and false
if it's invalid.
"()" => true
")(()))" => false
"(" => false
"(())((()())())" => true
- In my solution to this problem, I have modified the code a little bit. In my solution, you can add any parentheses eg: (), {}, []. No worries it’s just an ‘or statement’.
// If we have an opening paren then we add it to stack
// If it’s a closing paren then pop from stack.
//If the popped element from the stack, which is the last opening paren doesn’t match the corresponding closing paren in the map, then return false
// If the length of the stack is not zero return false
function validParentheses(parens){
let stack = [];
let map = {
'(' : ')',
'{' : '}',
'[' : ']'
for (var s of parens) {
if (s === '(' || s === '{' || s === '[' ) {stack.push(s)}
else {let last = stack.pop(); if(s !== map[last]){return false}; }
} if(stack.length !== 0) {return false}
return true;
2. Using Regular expressions:
function validParentheses(parens){
var re = /\(\)/;
while (re.test(parens)) parens = parens.replace(re, "");
return !parens;
3. Using Ternary Operator:
function validParentheses(parens){
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < parens.length && result>= 0; i++) {
result+= (parens[i] == '(') ? 1 : -1;
return (result == 0);
Thank You for reading!